"Beauty and Innocence"


"Bess and Her Spinning Wheel"


"Maid of Athens"

"The Beggars of London" 1890
"La Misere a Londres"
10 1/2" x 6" Original drypoint
etching w/light sepia aquatin-ting on wove paper. Artist's signature (bottom/right) and French title/ date inscribed (bottom/left)
in plate. (One inter-net site claims this to be one of only six etchings; a claim with-in the realm of probability as Vierge's
all consuming forte was in perfecting photoreproduction. Another claim that he is the "Father of modern illustration" is a
stretch because there were many such contenders.) Publish-er : Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Excellent condition; archivally
restored. Includes internet arti-cles and artist bio.
VERY RARE $1200.00

"Musical Pastoral"
7/8" x 7 1/8" Original light sepia drypoint etching on laid paper, after the artist's
own painting. Artist's monogram in plate (bottom/left) and numbered in pencil "90" at bottom/margin. Artist's painting
exhibited at the Royal Academy the same year of publication. Publisher : Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Excellent con-dition; archivally
restored. (This is a rare print and one of Leigh-ton's few early etchings in con-junction with an exhibited painting,
one year before Leigh-ton became full member of the Academy...he was not elected President of the Academy until 1878)

Mother's Love" 1856
7/8" x 3 5/8" Original mezzo-tint on wove paper. (J.D. Gross was a student of John Sartain).
Published in "The Mothers Rule" by Timothy Shay Arthur. Publisher : "H.C Peck and Theo. Bliss"/ Philadelphia.
Ex-cellent condition; archivally re-stored. Includes copy of fron-tispiece, a copy of the dated Title page and the artist
bio. $375.00

"Mother and
Son" 1856
J.D. Gross 7" x
3 5/8" Original mezzotint on wove paper. { J.D. Gross was a student of John Sartain;
unlike the three prints above ( from the same publica-tion ) the artist's name is credi-ted below image.}. Published
in "The Mothers Rule" by Timothy Shay Arthur. Publisher : "H.C Peck and Theo. Bliss"/Philadel-phia. Ex-cellent condition;
archi-vally restored. Includes copy of fron-tipiece, a copy of the dated Title page and the artist bio.


of the Row" 1905



Eleanor's Mantle" 1883
7 1/4" x 4 3/8" Original sepia drypoint etch-ing on japon/ pressed on laid paper, from the 12 volume set of Nathaniel Hawthorne's
"Twice Told Tales". (Click author for over-view) This symbolist etching was the frontispiece for Vol 1 of the Hawthorne
collection. Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin & Co./Bos-ton. Printer : Riverside Press/ Cambridge. Artist monogram "SW"
conjoined (lower/left) in plate. Excellent condition. In-cludes copy of dated Title page and artist bio.
RARE $575.00


"It Still Waves" 1864
(Artist uncredited) 10" x 6 1/8" Line & stipple engraving.

7/8" x 3 3/4" Original mezzo-tint on wove paper. (J.D. Gross was a student of John Sartain).
Published in "The Mothers Rule" by Timothy Shay Arthur. Publisher : "H.C Peck and Theo. Bliss"/Philadelphia. Ex-cellent
condition; archivally re-stored. Includes copy of frontis-piece, a copy of the dated Title page and the artist bio.

6 7/8" x 3 3/4" Original fron-tispiece mezzotint on wove paper, for the T. S. Arthur novel by the same title. (
J.D. Gross was a student of John Sartain ). Pub-lisher : "H.C Peck and
Theo. Bliss"/ Philadelphia. Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes a copy of the dated Title page and the artist
bio. VERY RARE $675.00


"A School in
"Une Ecole a Rome"
10 3/4" x 6 7/8"
Original sepia drypoint etching on laid paper. $275.00


"Satan Sewing the Weeds
- The

"The Clown"
Leopold Karl Muller after "Breughel" (most likely Pieter Breughel the Elder)
"Le Bouffon" 10 1/2" x 6 3/4" soft-ground etching on laid paper. Publisher
: "Gazette Des Beaux-arts". Printer : Chardon-Wittmann. As printed below, the Breughel painting exhibited
at the "Imperial Museum" in Vi-enne (in S.E. France). Etching in excellent condition. Artist bio included. $275.00

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