GENRE [MF/F; 1770] In art,
the depiction of human activity among the "common" folks (whatever that means; lines were more clearly drawn in the 19th century),
generally associated with the academic representational realism mixed with the occasional narrative. Blame it on the
Dutch, who were
the masters of the form beginning in the 17th century and who, for the first time in history, succeeded (though probably not
consciously) in sustaining the separation of religiosity from the more secular temperment. With much resistance among
the early 19th cen-tury academics, who favored "history painting", and the allegorical, mytho-logical or aristocratic portraiture
(hold overs from the 18th century), both public and patron sentiment evolved in closer proximity to the sentimental appeal
of the new trade periodicals, such as the new "Art Journal"/ London (1839), sponsored by Prince Albert and the Queen
herself, the new "Illustra-ted London News', and in France, the "Gazette des Beaux-Arts" (1859), and in America, the "Harper's
Weekly". (As distinguished from, click : "allegory" and "history painting")
More than a day late and a
sterling pound short, this blink of the eye Pre-Raphaelite periodical lasted less than four months, with 4 numbers in 1851.
Dante's brother/ founder/ editor William Rossetti made a fledgling attempt to promote the Pre-Raphaelite
"Brotherhood" agenda with the use of member poetry (including sister Christina Rossetti, arguably a better poet than Dante
a painter!) which nevertheless aided, in a small way, the "germination" of a major movement whose influence, unbe-knownst
to its followers, would last well into the 20th century. (See the "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood")
GESSO [L/It, lit.,
"gypsum"; 1596] "Pure" white plaster of paris or pow-dered gypsum mixed with glue to pro-vide a base for gilding or
painting, as was commonly used by the Pre-Rapha-elites to promote clarity of color.
14thC) Application of a thin layer of metal, usually but not exclusively gold, on picture frames or sculpture. In the
19th century this laborious process was done by a new method of electrolysis. Today, wanna-be antique "dealers",
particularly in the U.S., nortoriously try to short-circuit this process and virtu-ally ruin the intrinsic
value of count-less, otherwise beautiful antique frames by applying cheap housepaint over damaged gilt; many collectors
simply cannot afford the time (or cost) to handle the conservation and removal of that paint, given the initial
cost of collecting. (Click : "electrolysis")
GOLDEN MEAN [1587] / GOLDEN SECTION [1875], Rule of [Greece; c.450 BCA] AKA : "Hey you...move that tree !!"... [c.1961] Called
a "precious jewel" by Johannes Kepler, now simply (but not so simple) called the "Golden Ratio", the term(s) in art apply
to, essentially, an inherently mathematical way of seeing which ultimately lends balance to a work of art. The rule describes
the mathematical relationship between 3 points in a straight line; (approximate diagram below):
^ ^ ^
[ ratio AC : BC = BC : AB ]
There's an orphan hybrid of this rule,
(apparently first realized by J.T. Smith in 1797), that I am partial to called the "Rule of Thirds : An image is
divided into nine equal sections by two vertical and two horizontal lines, wherein four points of intersection are formed
at the center section. If the artist places the essential elements of any picture at/around/near the de-fining four points
of intersection, the idea is he'll have a balanced compo-sition. In fact he will have a balanced composition, and it is solely
because, over 2500 years ago, the Greeks dis-covered a natural symmetry which "pleases the eye". Suffice to say
that I confirmed the Greek observation at the early age of 13; upon receiving my first Brownie Starmite camera, I enquired
upon some Turkish locals if they could "move that tree". It did not work... mayhap they could not speak English... well, just
imagine that you're moving that tree, and the old Greek " Rule of Golden Mean" will come naturally to you.
GOTHIC REVIVAL (19TH/20TH century) (See also : "Neo-Gothic" Revival)
Graphic Arts
Group Portrait

Hague School
History Painting
