"Under the Mistletoe"
1884 10 5/8" x 7 1/2" Chromolith. (Artist not credited)
Publisher : "Frank Les-lie's Popular Monthly". Printer : Gast Art Press/N.Y. Excellent con-dition; archival tape applied verso
edges for support. Includes copy of dated title page. $150.00

"Winter Quarters"
1883 10 1/2" x 7 1/2" Chromolith.
(Artist not credited). Publisher : "Frank Les-lie's Popular Monthly". Excellent condition; archival tape at verso
edges for support. Includes copy of dated Title page. RARE $325.00

"Spanish Flower Girl"
1882 (after) KARL SOHN, Jr. (Lithographer uncred-ited) 10 5/8" x 7 3/8" Chromolith.
Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popu-lar Monthly"/New York. Very good condition. Includes copy of dated Title page. (Click : "Know-ing the Difference", p.2) $150.00

"Lost Bird" 1885
10 5/8" x 7 1/4" chro-molith. (Artist not credit-ed) Printer : Cosack & Co./N.Y. Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popu-lar Monthly". Good
condition; some light staining around mar-gins/archival repair verso at mar-gin edge. Includes copy of dated Title page. $275.00

"The Cicada"
(after) Emile Metzmacher
11 3/8" x
8 1/4" Chromolith.
From the multi-volume
compen-dium "Character Sketches of Ro-mance Fiction and the Drama" by the Reverend Ebenezer Brewer. In excellent condition.
Subject is a derivative of Aesop's fable "The Grasshopper and the Ant", of which there have been many in-terpretations by
painters and play-wrights. This pic. includes the ori-ginal poetic insert from the char-acter "Marton" :
"Oh Franz, 'tis hard to live ...
My dear old home
of by-gone years..."
... and the artist's bio.

"You Darling"
1/2" x 7 1/2" (Artist not credited). Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Month-ly". Printer : Cosack
& Co./Buf-falo, N.Y. Excellent condition; archival tape at verso edges for support. Includes copy of dated Title
page. RARE $125.00

the Pastor" 1883
(after) John Everett Millais 10 1/2" x 7 1/2" Chromolith. Publisher : "Frank
Leslie's Popular Monthly". Printer : Cosack & Co./Buffalo, N.Y. Excellent condition; archi-val tape at verso
edges for support. Includes copy of dated Title page. RARE $375.00

"Any Port in a Storm"
1887 11" x 7 1/2"
Chromolith. (Artist
not credited). Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly". Printer : Cosack & Co./Buffalo, N.Y. Excellent
condition ; archi-val tape at verso edges for support. Includes copy of dated Title page. RARE

"Our Little Lady" 1888 10 1/2" x 7 1/2" Chromo-lith. (Artist not credited). Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popu-lar Monthly". Printer : "Cosack &
Co. Lith"/ Buffalo, N.Y. Excellent condition; archival tape at verso edges for support. Includes copy of dated Title
page. $150.00

"Loves Young Dream"
1882 (after) A. Jourdan
10 7/8" x 7 1/4"
Chromo-lith. Printed by Major & Knapp , N.Y. Published by "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly". Includes
copy of dated Title page/artist's bio. Excel-lent condition.
VERY RARE $525.00


Sunbeam" 1882 10 3/4" x 7 3/8" Chromo-lith. (artist not credited/ probably
after John Everett Millais).


"Homes of the Passing Show" 1900 Dudley Hardy 8 3/4" x 6 1/4" Original Chromolith.

"A Mean Advantage"
10 3/4" x 7 1/4" Chromolith

"Little Mischief Makers"
10 3/4" x 7 3/8"

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