"Mountain Solitude" 1844
Henry Robin-son after Edward Henry Corbould 10 1/8" x 6 3/4" Line & stipple engraving
w/ etching. From Rev. G.N. Wright's "People's Gallery of Engravings" 1844-1846. Publisher
: Fisher, Son & Co./London. (Print pub. & date printed below title). Excellent con-dition; archivally restored. Includes
original 2 page poem (see above) and art-ist bios. $325.00

"Winter Quarters"
1883 Chromo-lith (Artist not credited) 10 1/2" x 7 1/2" Publisher
: "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly". Excel-lent condition; archival tape at verso edges for sup-port. Includes copy
of dated Title page.

"To Drink" 1873 Philip Gilbert Hamerton after L.E. Lambert 10
7/8" x 7 1/4" Sepia softground etch-ing on laid paper. Publish-er : Gazette des Beaux-Arts.
Printer : A. Salmon/ Paris. Lambert's painting was exhibited at "The Salon"/Paris (1873). Etching in excellent con-dition.
Includes artist bios. $125.00

"Maternal Solicitude"
10 1/4" x 6 3/8" Line en-graving on wove paper, from "The Ladies' Reposi-tory"/ Cincinati, Ohio.
Hart's painting was in the possession of Robert Gor-such Hart at the time of the engraving's publication. Excellent condition;
archi-vally restored. Includes artist bios. $125.00

Edward A. Moran


after Edouard
10 3/4" x 7" Handcolored line engraving.

"...Red Bird of Paradise..."
1950 (after) Lillian Medland 10
1/2" x 8" Printed
in halftone.

10 1/8" x 6 1/2"
Fitz- Edward Jones after
Louis Harmant Pair of line engavings w/some stippling on wove paper, published
in Cincinati, Ohio by the "Ladies' Repository", 1860. Excellent condition; archivally restored w/minor repair to binder edges
at R/margin ("Freedom") and L/margin ("Slavery").
