a Kitten" c.1885 Fr. Bottcher after Franz
Rumpler "Schmeichelkatzchen" 7 1/2" x 10 5/8" sepia softground etching
on cream wove paper. Published in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts by E.A. Seemann/ Leipzig. Printer : Otto Felsing/Munich. Excellent
condition. Includes artist bios. $325.00

6 7/8" x 10 3/8" Original sepia softground etching, artist signature, title & date all etched in reverse in plate (bottom
right); after the artist own painting, which exhibited that same year at the Salon des Champs Elysees. Etching published by
the Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes artist bio. RARE

Land or Sea : Sorrow" (Detail) 1908
Charles Cottet "Au Pays de la Mer
: Douleur" 6 3/4" x 10 5/8" Original sepia etching ,
after the artist's painting. Publisher : Gazette des Beaux-Arts. This is an detail of the artist's own painting,
etched by the artist. The painting was exhibited at the Salon of 1908 , National Society of Beaux-Arts. Excellent condition.
Includes original Title insert & bio. RARE

"Family Concert" 1873
"Le Concert de Famille"
7 3/8" x 10 1/8" Sepia etching on laid paper. Publisher : "Gazette
des Beaux-Arts". Printer : A. Beillet/Paris. Excellent condition. Includes artist bios. $225.00

Beauty Asleep c.1849
6" x 9 3/4"
mezzotint. From "Lady's National Maga-zine" Archivally restored ; excellent condition. Includes bios.

For all Sartain For all mezzotints, click :

"Alone at the Rendezvous"
For all Sartain For all mezzotints, click :

Playfellow" 1853
6 1/4" x 9 3/8" mezzotint. From "The Ladies Repository"/Cincinatti. Excellent condition ; archivally restored. Includes bio. $350.00

For all mezzotints, click :

"Fidelity and Temptation"
5 7/8" x 9 3/8"
mezzotint. Excellent condition ; archivally restored. Includes artists bios. $350.00

For all mezzotints, click :

"The Sale of the Pet
Lamb" c.1860
after William
6 3/8" x 10 1/8"
Line and stipple w/some crosshatching & etching. Publisher: "The Ladies' Repository". Printer : Middleton,
Wallace & Co/Cincinati, Oh. Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes artists bios. $225.00
and Camilla" (Chant VII) / "Thermira and Her Lover
in the Wood" (Chant V)

9 3/4" x 6 1/2" Pair of blue tinted line & stipple engravings with etching on cream wove paper, published
in 1889 after Eisen's late 18th century designs. From "The Temple of Gnidus..." by C. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. Publisher
: Vizetelly & Co./London. Excellent condition. Includes copy of Title page and artist bios.
RARE $525.00 PAIR
"The Impending Mate" (4 5/8" x 7 1/8") / "Mated"
(4 1/2" x 7 1/2")

Mezzotint pair, from
"The Snow Flake", 1850. Publisher : E.H. Butler & Co./Philadelphia. Archivally restored; excellent
condition. Includes copy of dated Frontispiece and bios. $425.00 PAIR

For all Sartain For all mezzotints, click :
/ "Summer"

"Seasonal Allegories"
John Neagle after Johann Martin Metz 8
3/8" x 5 1/8" Line engravings with some etching. Engravings were initially published
in 1792, in "The Works of James Thom-son" by Patrick Murdoch in 1802.
Publisher : I Murray/London. Both date and pub-lisher/address printed on bottom margin of each print. Excellent condition;
archivally restored. Includes copy of dated Title page and artist bios. VERY RARE

Dentist" c.1867
French after Izaak van Ostade 6 3/4" x 9 1/2" Line & stipple engraving.


"Wine Tasters" c.1880


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