"Hilda's Tower" 1883
7 3/4" x 4 1/4"
Original sepia drypoint etching on japon/ pressed on laid paper, from the 12 volume set
of Hawthorne tales.( Click : Nathaniel Hawthorne for over-view ) Publisher
: Houghton, Mifflin & Co./Boston. Printer : Riverside Press/ Cambridge. Title supplement for the Haw-thorne's
symbolist tale "The Marble Fawn". Artist monogram "E.H.G." in plate ( lower/left/ reversed). Ex-cellent condition;
minor crease ( upper/right corner ). Includes copy of dated Title page and artist bio.[ NOTE: RARE
MINIATURE (Image size: 1
1/2" x 2 1/4") This etching is a companion piece to
"Hilda and the Doves" (
Click title to view ). The tower was drawn after the real tower seen by Hawthorne in Rome on the Via Portoghese, (1858)
and played a symbolic role in Hilda's "purity". ( See 6 page exerpt from the Hawthorne tale included with purchase of
both etchings; for price, click : Ladies...p.1 ) ]


"The Cathedral at Worms
- On the Rhine" 1845
after Samuel
Prout 10
1/2" x 7 3/4" line engraving.
(Original poem/narrative)

"The Giants' Stairs,
Ducal Palace, Venice" 1845
after William
L. Leitch
10 1/8" x 7"
line engraving. From Rev. G.N. Wright's "People's Gal-lery of Engravings" 1844-1846. Pub-lisher : Fisher,
Son & Co./ London & Paris. (Print pub. printed below title). Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes artist
bios. $275.00

"Interior Of Milan Cathedral
- Duchy of Milan, Italy" 1844
after James
D. Harding
10 1/4" x 6
3/4" line engraving. From Rev. G.N. Wright's "People's Gallery of Engravings" 1844-1846.
Publisher : Fisher, Son & Co./ London & Paris. (Print pub. & date printed below title). Excellent condition;
archivally restored. Includes artist bios. $225.00

Thomas Allom
10 1/4" x 6
3/8" line engraving. From Rev. G.N. Wright's "People's Gallery of Engravings" 1844-1846.
Publisher : Fisher, Son & Co./ London. (Print pub. & date printed below title). Excellent condition; archivally
restored. Includes artist bios. $175.00

"Interior of Exeter Cathedral" 1845 Ebenezer Challis after Thomas Allom 10 1/2" x 7 3/4" Line engraving. From Rev.
G.N. Wright's "Peoples Gallery of Engravings", 1844-1846. Publisher : Fisher, Son & Co./Lon-don. (Print pub. & date
printed below title". Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes original poem/2 page narrative (below) and artist
bios. $225.00

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