"St. Pauls London" 1883 Robert Swain Gifford
7 7/8" x
4 5/8" Original sepia drypoint etching on japon/ pressed on laid paper, from the 12 volume set of Nathaniel Hawthorne tales.
( Click author for over-view ) Publisher : Houghton, Mifflin & Co./ Boston. Printer : Riverside Press/Cambridge.
Title supplement for the Hawthorne tale. Artist signature (lower/left) and title (bottom/lcenter) inscribed in plate.
Excellent condition. Includes copy of dated Title page and artist bio.
VERY RARE $475.00
For overview, click :
8" x 5" Original sepia dry-point etching on japon paper pressed on laid paper, from the 12 volume set of
Hawthorne tales.( Click author for overview ) Pub-lisher
: Houghton, Mifflin & Co./Boston. Printer : River-side Press/Cambridge. Title supplement for the Haw-thorne
tale "The Scarlet Letter". Artist monogram "E.H.G." in plate ( lower/ left ). Excellent condition. Includes
copy of dated Title page and artist bio. ( NOTE : This etched insert was pub-lished only in the "Scarlet"
edition; consequently both the etching and title/artist credit were not listed in the Table of Contents of the first
printing. Ten years later, in 1893, another "Scarlet" edition surfaced but in place of this etching, a much cruder ver-sion,
a reproduction of a woodcut by another artist, was published. ) VERY RARE MINIATURE ( Image size :
5/8" x 2 1/4" ) $975.00
For overview, click :

Tower Bridge of London" 1910
Paul-Adrien Bouroux "La Pont de
la Tour A Londres" 10
7/8" x 6 3/4" Original
drypoint etch-ing. Printed on green wove paper w/red
tinted highlight. Publisher : A. Porcabeuf/Paris. Excellent condition. Includes copy of dated title
pageand artist bio. $375.00
For overview, click :

"Gournay Bridge on the
Marne River"
1895 Gustave Leheutre "La Pont de Gournay-Sur-Marne"
10 5/8"
x 7 1/8" Original sepia drypoint etching on laid paper. Artist/date signed in plate. Title also inscribed in
plate. Publisher: Gazette des Beaux-Arts (1897). Excellent condition. Includes copy of dated frontispiece and artist
bio. VERY RARE $575.00
For overview, click :
"View of London
from the Thames" 1862
8 5/8"
x 5 3/8" Original line engraving on wove paper, from Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand's "L'itine-raire
de Paris a Jerusalem" (1811). Publisher : Henri Pourrat/Paris, 1862 ed. Ex-cellent condition; archivally restored.
Includes artist bio. $275.00
"Still Waters" 1887
"Le Calme" 10 1/8" x 6 1/2" Sepia
etching on laid paper.
"Robins-Reef Lighthouse. New-York
Bay" 1876
after Edward
9" x
5 3/4" Line engraving w/cross-hatching & some etching on wove paper, from "The Ladies'
Repository"/ Cincinati, Ohio. Moran's painting on loan from R.E. Moore/N.Y., as printed below title. This is the original
lighthouse, built in 1839, en-graved seven years before the current lighthouse, built in 1883. Engraving in good condi-tion;
archivally restored. $225.00
(Frontispiece) 1853
after Thomas
( CLICK TITLE for Sartain overview ) 8" x 5"
mezzotint. Publisher : E.H Butler/Philadelphia.
Acrhi-vally restored ; excellent con-dition. Includes bios. $175.00
(Frontispiece) 1850
for Sartain overview )
7 1/8" x 4 5/8" mezzotint.
"By Tiber, Ugo's
Castle" c.1880
Thomas Addison Richards 9 3/4" x 6 1/2"
line engraving.
8 3/4" x 6 1/4" Original original chromolith.

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