"Saying Grace"
1887 7 3/4" x 10 5/8" Chromolith.
(artist not credited) Printer : Cosack & Co./Buffalo , N.Y. Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly" Very good
condition. (Archival tape verso on margin edges for support). Includes dated Title page. $225.00

"A Merry Awakening" 1887
7 1/2" x 10 3/4" Chromolith. (Artist not credited). Printer : Gast Art Press/N.Y. Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly".
Good condition ; archival repair to U/L corner margin. Includes copy of dated Title page. $325.00

"The Little Fishers" 1888
7 3/4" x 10 3/8" Chromolith. (Artist not credited). Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly".
Excellent condition condition ; archival artist tape applied verso for support margin.

"The Terrace of the Palazzo Real
at Naples" 1878
7 5/8" x 10 5/8" Chromolith. (Artist not credited). Publisher : "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly". Excellent condition condition
; archival artist tape applied verso for support margin. $175.00
