of Jerusalem" 1862
"Vue de Jerusalem"
5 3/4" x 8 1/2" Original line engraving on wove paper, from Francois-Rene
de Chateaubriand's "L'itineraire de Paris a Jerusa-lem" (1811). Publisher : Henri Pourrat/Paris, 1862 ed. Excellent
condition; archivalliy restored. Includes artist bio. ( This title is a companion piece to the "Le Temple de Jerusalem" from
the same publication. ) Click here : Cityscapes...p.1 to view. $525.00 PAIR
"Town in Holland" c.1880
"Hollandische Stadt"
7 1/2" x 10 3/4" Sepia etching. Published by "E.A. Seemann/Leipzig". Printed by "F.A. Brockhaus/Leipzig". The painting was exhibited
at Besitze des Herrn. in association with J. von Lippmann/Vienna. Excelent condition. Includes artist's bio. $225.00
"Mayence Cathedral, on the Rhine"
1845 James Redaway after W. L. Leitch
"Turkish Warehouse (on Grand
Canal) Venice ('restored')" c.1880
"Fondaco de Turchi in
Venedig" 7 1/2" x 11 3/4" Light sepia etching. Printer : A. Pisani, as printed below
title. ( This etching is after the painting from the Correr Museum, which took over the building, formally a Byzantine
palace, after an historically inaccurate restora-tion between 1860-1880 ). Print in excellent condition; archivally
restored. Includes artist bios. $375.00
"The Bridge of Santa
Trinita, Italy" 1846
3/4" x 10 1/2" Line engraving. From Rev. G.N. Wright's "People's Gallery of Engravings"
1844-1846. Publisher : Fisher, Son & Co./London & Paris. Very good condition; archivally restored, minor crease in
left margin supported verso w/archival tape. Includes original poem/single page narrative (see below) and artist bios. $275.00
"Flower Merchant"
6 3/4" x 10 5/8" Original sepia drypoint etching.
For overview, click :

