Robert W. Billings ( 1815 -1874 )
Billings was an architect/illustrator as well
as painter and sculpter. Born in London, worked in Bath, he was likely a member of the Billings family in Reading,
who were builders.
Hauf lists this publication, "Baronial Antiquities
of Scotland [1848-1852]", in his bio.
of Billings.
Source :
Hauf, Simon "Dictionary of British Book
Illustrators and Caricatur-
ists, 1800 - 1914" (
1981 ).
Hunnisett, Basil "An Illustrated Diction-
ary of British Steel En-
gravers" ( 1989 ).


G.B. Smith ( fl. 1842 - 1888 )
Not to be confused with the later
George Barnett
Smith, "G.B" flourished as
an architectural
engraver in mid-Victorian
Britain. This
publication, "Baronial Antiqui-
ties of Scotland,
[ 1852 ], is listed in Hunni-
Source :
Hunnisett, Basil "An Illustrated Diction-
ary of British Steel En-
gravers" ( 1989 ).
