Robert W. Billings ( 1815 -1874 )
Billings was an architect/illustrator as well
as painter and sculpter. Born in London, worked in Bath, he was likely a member of the Billings family in Reading,
who were builders.
Hauf lists this publication, "Baronial Antiquities
of Scotland [1848-1852]", in his bio.
of Billings.
Source :
Hauf, Simon "Dictionary of British Book
Illustrators and Caricatur-
ists, 1800 - 1914" (
1981 ).
Hunnisett, Basil "An Illustrated Diction-
ary of British Steel En-
gravers" ( 1989 ).


John Henry Le Keux ( 1812 - 1896 )
Apparently, according to Hunnisett, it had been previously
thought that John Henry, son of John Le Keux, had studied under James Basire, the famous 18thC. engraver. But this doesn't
square with the fact that John Henry was born in 1812, whereas Basire had died in 1802, according to contemporary
accounts. It is more likely that John Henry apprenticed under his father and soon became an assistant to the same. John Henry
Le Keux's associations with the famous W. H. Bartlett, Samuel Prout and later, John Ruskin, enabled him to become a very
prolific and well respected engraver within the Victorian art community. He also in-vented a two plate engraving process
( see bio excerpt includ-ed w/print ). He lived for nearly 84 years; died in Durham.
Source :
Hunnisett, Basil "An Illustrated Diction-
ary of British Steel En-
gravers" ( 1989 ).
